February 26, 2015. Three years ago today. My 26th birthday. I honestly can’t say that I vividly remember many of my birthdays – most just a blur of cake and kind words. But I’ll never forget my 26th birthday – or what it started, or where it led, or how I ended up covered in my own piss as I was leaving New Orleans.
White Sands National Monument is hands-down one of the coolest places in America.Want to go somewhere that feels utterly otherworldly? Looking for a wild sensory experience? Ready to have your mind blown? Wander out into these stark-white gypsum sand dunes in southern New Mexico, and I guarantee it will be nothing short of transformative.
We always think that a “survival scenario” won’t happen to us - but it can happen to anyone, at any time. It’s good to take some minor precautions to be ready, just in case. So to help you out, here is a list of items that I recommend to keep in your car during these winter months, with links to each. I’ve tried to keep the price low but quality high – and when your life is on the line, an extra $100 is probably worth it.
When a cloud evaporates, where does it go? A great huddled mass, swirling, spinning, drifting, and whirling; a marvelous spectacle in this grand world, here for only a finite time, hovering in the great blue ecstasy until its time is passed - its edges withering, shrinking, disappearing in a fire of passion, dancing and exalting as they catch their final light, disappearing from sight. Not gone, just transitioned - onto another phase, into the great mystic.
Heeding to the ways of the road, all sense of control must be surrendered, and in doing so, you lose the sense to resist. Zen roadways opening you up in ways unimaginable, and freeing you from the confines of the limitless mind.
In a brief changeup (pun intended) from my typical posts, here's an opening day rant about why I no longer cheer for the “Atlanta” Braves.
Many of Trump’s actions have been heavily criticized, including those regarding the outdoor industry. At the forefront is his recent downsizing of Bears Ears. Was this a deliberate attack on public lands or was his reasoning just? Should Trump actually be considered Outdoorsman of the Year?
I've been blessed with the opportunity to spend over six total months on the road in the past three years. I've gotten pretty damn efficient at packing, so I figured I'd share my list with you.
In a recent job application, I was asked to discuss the merit of one idea supported by the political party I generally oppose. I decided to focus on the proposed increase in entrance fees at National Parks - a proposition I immediately opposed on first impression, though, after research and reflection, began to accept and possibly even advocate.
As I prepare to depart this town once again, I think back on all the memories. This place lured me in, welcomed me, and became my home. I left and returned, more than once. It called me back. And so, as I get ready to leave this place again, I think back on how surreal this timescape has been. I look forward to the unknown and unforetold days ahead, wondering whether or not they are foretold after all.
When I can’t get out on long epics, Microadventures sustain me. Whether out for a year or just a morning, the boundaries of adventure lie beyond the time spent outdoors, and the effects last far beyond those. So, here’s a microsalute to microadventures.
We crushed miles and the miles crushed us; we slammed beers and, in return, got slammed by said beers. We somehow managed to be the only team actually partying through the night, and we faced harsh judgement by those not celebrating with us. We endured altitude sickness, exhaustion, and general drunkenness. We fought and battled together and ultimately had an unforgettable weekend which left us hobbling.
Glistening anxieties off the edge of the brow,
Drip away carelessly at the nudge of the wind,
Which sends crows careening skywards catching a draft;
Never an anxiety has littered their brains,
This Sunday stroll as natural and unguided and free,
As their flight on a Monday morning or Friday afternoon.
We have some really good days out here – damn beautiful ones. There are moments of such sheer perfection and joy that you just can’t keep a grin off your face. It’s a level of happiness that I don’t think I knew before I moved out here, and one which I certainly didn’t know before I decided to upend my life four years ago.